
Loubressac is perched like an eagle's nest as a fortified village near Le Lot's northern border at the confluence of four rivers. The village's architecture reflects both Celtic and Gallo-Roman settlements, as well as Loubressac's role as a fortified town during Medieval time. The ramparts were built in the 15th century by Adbemar d'Algrefeuille, a field marshal of Pope Clement VI's pontifical court (and cousin to the Pope) who was the first to call himself the "Barron of Loubressac".

Medieval Times

During the 100 Years War, mercenary troop led by the Prince of Wales Edward of Woodstock (Known as the Black Prince) laid siege but the village was able to survive the war relatively intact due to protection by the Viscount of Turenne. The village was less lucky during the Black Plague in 1443 which decimated the population, leaving only 5 inhabitants.

French Revolution

The French Revolution brought an end to the region's Medieval order in 1789. The last Barron of Loubressac was Raphael-Fracois de Tournier, Count of Vaillac and counselor to the Toulouse's Parliament. He was guillotined in Paris on July 6, 1794. The old order characterized by Intendants, Consuls and Senechals were replaced by Mayors, Aldermen and town counsil.


Modern Era

Pierre Certain was elected as Loubressac's first mayor in 1790. The village's rich tradition boasts five Lieutenant Generals in the French Army, four Bishops and four Counselors to the Toulouse Parliament. Loubressac today is considered one of France's Most Beautiful Villages with its famed Église Saint-Jean-Baptiste, stone houses with brown terracotta roofs and floral traditions. A viewpoint opens up on a stunning panorama of the Dordogne valley. Le Terroir, a bar/restaurant in the village center, offers a good menu at affordable prices. The Cèpe omelet is one of the best in the area.

Selected Restaurant: Lou Cantou in Loubressac

Visitors should endeavor to time their visit to Loubressac around meal times. Located in the heart of the village, Loubressac's Lou Cantou is known for its affordable menu of regional recipes and an outside terrace with a panoramic view of the Dordogne valley. Menu prices start at EURO 15.50 during the week and 25.50 for a multi-course meal on the weekends and holidays.

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