Bed & Breakfast

Those traveling on a tighter budget can avail themselves of numerous Bed & Breakfasts (BnB) that dot Le Lot's countryside.  BNB operations range from Auberge's with 5-6 rooms to families offering single rooms. Beyond cost savings, BNBs often offer a using window into day-to-day life in Le Lot with hosts eager to show off the region's gifts to visitors. Hosts are invariably polite and warm. Many of the operations are sparse with basic amenities for sleeping and showering. Prices are affordable, starting at EURO 60 for quality establishments (even in the summer months).  

Air BnB

AirBnB is still relatively new to Le Lot and can offer interesting opportunities, especially during low season when significant numbers of expatriates leave Le Lot during the colder months. The AirBnB option may also be attractive to those looking for a private and less structured stay in rural farmhouses or adjoining renovated barns. Most AirBnB include the normal amenities of a home with the advantage of access to a kitchen. Prices vary according to the number of people in the party and size of the home between: EURO 60 - 300. Reviews on the AirBnB site are naturally a key indicator of quality.​​

Luxury and Boutique Hotels

A good number of Le Lot's many Castles now serve as high-end luxury hotels and wedding venues. Many also serve as wineries and offer fine-dining experiences with the region's best chefs. Others offer spas and wellness facilities to take advantage of the summer sun and fresh air. A number of boutique hotels offer more intimate accommodations. Tourists are advised to book well in advance during the high season (July - August) to ensure availability.  Prices range depending on season between EURO 150 - 300 per night.



The French are a nation of campers, families taking every opportunity to visit other regions armed with campers and tents. The result is a sophisticated network of campsites with well-kept bathrooms, showers, sports facilities and swimming activities. Campers are available to rent in Cahors and most of the larger cities. Tents may be purchased at any E.Leclerc or any of the other "Hypermarchés." Like hotels in the region, it is best to book in advance during July and August. Prices vary according to the number of people in the party with a base fee of between EURO 10-20.​​

live le lot


France possesses a great number of beautiful regions. Visitors and residents of Le Lot are advantage by the relatively affordable lodging costs of both hotels and homes. Tourism options range from high-end luxury hotels and tidy bed & breakfasts to camp grounds and the AirBnB experience. Visitors should plan well ahead during the high-season summer months to ensure the best experience. The fall and winter seasons offer better rates and opportunities, especially AirBnB linked to the departure of many part-time expatriates following the summer.