Saffron Associations

Saffron Associations
Association de producteurs : les Safraniers du Quercy
Président : Didier BURG
209 avenue Germain Canet - 46160 CAJARC
Tel. 05 65 33 45 58 - Fax. 05 65 40 64 74


Homegrown saffron is a staple in many households in Le Lot and an important part of the regions culinary tradition. Larger scale production is led by a cooperative group of farmers surrounding the village of Cajarc, whose rich soil bordering the Lot River is well suited to Saffron cultivation. The 48-hour picking season for saffron blossoms takes place in October.  Cajarc's fall festival during the last week of October offers visitors not only a unique variety of the spice but saffron cheeses, jams and pates. Saffron in Le Lot is approximately EURO 30 a gram.


live le lot

Conservatoire botanique du safran du Quercy : Le Safranério
Président : Christian Agrech
Siège administratif : Mairie de Cajarc 46160 Cajarc
Siège social : Musée de plein air du Quercy Cuzals
Téléphone : 06 76 75 83 86